Open Institute

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December, 2022Taiwo Crossby Omotoriogun, Abdoallah Sharaf, Yedomon Ange Bovys Zoclanclounon, Yasmina Jaufeerally-Fakim, Girish Beedessee, Fouzia RadouaniAfrican BioGenome Project Operational Guidelines for Online Workshop Organization0.9

The African BioGenome Project (AfricaBP) aimed at sequencing the genomes of African Eukaryotes to improve biodiversity protection, food security and environmental health in Africa, is to be ultimately led and implemented by African researchers in collaboration with international partners. Furtherance to achieving these goals, the project is to build skill set and capacity of African scientists in current and emerging genomics sequencing technologies, annotation and bioinformatics. This is to be achieved through workshop trainings. This document defines the guidelines and scope for organizing all AfricaBP workshops, and provides information regarding expectation by workshop attendees and the workshop organizers.

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